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A collection of free translations of early Chinese philosophical and medical writings.

The translations include commentary for understanding context and etymology.

General notes on translation

  • The original compilation of ancient works did not include punctuation. It was added later. I have added in punctuation so that it can be read more fluidly based on the context of the translation, even though it does not conform to the prototypical modern punctuation placement.

  • In most cases any real deviation from following the Chinese in translation is indicated in brackets. Connecting words, pronouns, and conjunctions, which are often left out of the ancient Chinese syntax are added without brackets since they are abundant and the necessity is uncontroversial.

  • Characters that are translated in a way that is outside of commonly accepted definitions are addressed in notes.

  • If anything is unclear as to why it was translated in a certain way, feel free to email me or leave a comment and I’ll offer further clarification or revise the content with any meaningful insights or useful corrections that are provided.

[Writings] of the Southern Huái River Masters
Huáinánzǐ (淮南子)
Image by Martin Sanchez
Spleen-Stomach Theory
Pí Wèi Lùn  脾胃論 by Lǐ Dōngyuán 李東垣
Image by Benjamin Voros

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Universal Qi is brought to you by
Evren "Ev" Juniper, Doctor of East Asian Medicine (DAcCHM). Ev's work is focused on integrating embodied experience with the scholarly study of early Chinese etymology and written works. In pairing embodied experience with the academic study of the roots of the medicine, she hopes to bring more clarity to concepts that have historically been mistranslated or misunderstood in order to revive the timeless universal wisdom that is held within. Her doctoral thesis, Embodied Universe, can be found at

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Evren Juniper

Oregon City, Oregon, USA

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